Change Of Views About His Crucifixion And His Death Jesus/Jesus

For centuries the three religions of Abraham; Judaism, Christianity and Islam have differing views about the figure of the Prophet Isa as, in various fields and the side of his life.

The crucifixion is the most controversial event in the life of Jesus/Prophet Isa as. Notes about the crucifixion differently from each other among the Abrahamic religions. What happens during the processing of the crucifixion, and the events that followed afterwards, have made people torn to pieces, often bitter, since the first century.
Jewish Views

The Jewish view of Jesus ' time simple; Jesus was sentenced to death on the cross and has successfully executed by the Roman armies, so cancel that message to-almasihan. He was a false Messiah, and not the figure that they wait. In an age when the revolt of the Jews is often broken by the Romans [e.g. Aquaduct Riots at the beginning of the reign of Pontius Pilate], Jesus became a figure to another.

To this day the Jews still await the arrival of their Messiah. A symbol of the most real of their plight is a common prayer of thanks is always on the wall of lamentations, which is considered part of the second Temple (the Second Temple Mount) which was rebuilt by Herod the great in Jerusalem. The walls have been given names based on the report of the 19th century by European travelers who often refer to the wall as a ' place of wailing Jews '. 1 this place is also known as the place where Jews come to mourn the destruction of the second temple, which occurs about 70 ad. More than 3000 years after Moses, the Jews are still not receiving the righteousness of Christ, although some minority groups of Jews have accepted Jesus as their Messiah.

Christian Views

The following Bible verse indicates the sense of importance of the crucifixion and the resurrection in Christian theology; This text is taken from one of Paul's letters that exist in the New Testament:

"But if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also trust you." 2

The belief of Christians against the crucifixion is through the death and resurrection of Jesus, mankind has been saved from the sin of Adam and Eve's heritage. This is the main aspect of the doctrine of the atonement for sins, a staple of Christian belief. In the BBC documentary ' Did Jesus Die? " Friar Jerome Murphu O'Connor emphasized the importance of the crucifixion and the resurrection. He said about the Resurrection:

".. It's a very fundamental to the Christian faith and I do not doubt it and will always like that ... " 3
Islamic View

The 7th century CE, when Islam emerged in the Arabian peninsula, the position of Prophet Isa as being a figure which emphasised and much repeated in the Qur'an. We encounter there are 25 times the mention about Prophet Jesus as and one Surah of the Qur'an has been dedicated to mother, Siti Maryam (Sura 19-Surah Maryam)

With regard to the crucifixion, the verses of the Qur'an emphatically rejects about the death of Jesus on the cross. Although this clause has been interpreted differently. In General Islamic view is that Jesus was not raised on the cross but lifted into the sky and others replaced him on the cross – this is just one of a range of views about the events.

The Qur'an describes the Crucifixion that the Jews were not killed the Prophet Isa as.

"And their speech," we have killed the Messiah, Isa Ibn Maryam, the Messenger of God Almighty, "though they did not kill him nor turn it off on the cross, but disguised it to them. And, behold, the people who are arguing in this case undoubtedly there is in doubt about this; they have no definite knowledge about this but rather to obey alleged; and they did not kill him with confidence. (Q. S 4:157)

But this clause has been interpreted in two very different versions:

"But, God has raised Jesus to himself '. And Allâh is all-Mighty again is Most wise. (Q. S 4:158)

Islam generally holds that the body of the Prophet Isa as has been raised to the sky. While other scholars interpret that God has glorified Prophet Isa as in terms of its position, with the save him from the death of the damned on the cross.

Survival of the Prophet Jesus from Crucifixion

Jesus Survive
Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam was Ahmad who said that Jesus did not die at the moment of the crucifixion, but he survived the experiment. When we read the verses of the Qur'an in the sense we are going to find a more rational sense and far from the understanding of the supernatural. So too with this interpretation also could also match the history of the Qur'an and the Bible and saw both of them show the same story.

Views about Prophet Jesus survived the Crucifixion is not the

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