Bilal Ibn Ribah ra is one of the
most famous names in the history of Islam. A Negro slave from Habsyah (Ethiopia), Bilal is tangible
evidence of the veneration of the Islamic social equality,
anti racism and social justice.
Born in 680 A.d. at Mecca, with
her parents-Rabah and Hamamah-Bilal also became the slaves
of Umayyah Ibn Khalaf, an enemy of Islam.
When the Umayyad heard that Bilal converted
to Islam, he abused her and forced her to relinquish her
new faith. But with the love of the Prophet Muhammad and
Islam, Bilal remained steadfast in faith. Although he
was tortured cruelly he kept saying"Ahad, Ahad." (God
is one, God is one)
Bilal Ibn ribah
When the Prophet Muhammad learned about persecution experienced
by Bilal, he sent Abu Bakr, who redeem it from the oppressor and
liberated from slavery. This freedom is a first prize
of Islam to Bilal. The second Caliph Umar Ibn
Al-Khattab respectBilal with calling it Sayyidina (our
Bilal became one of the most trusted companions and
loyal to the Prophet Muhammad. He included the first people converted
to Islam. Bilal join together the Islamic prophet Muhammad migrated to
Medina and participated in the battle of the greatwar including
the battles of Badr, Uhud, Trench etc. During the
battle of Badr, he berhashil to kill the enemies of Islam
and people who have been enslaved and menindasnya-Umayyad.
Prophet Muhammad was the first person to proclaim equality between human
beings in world history 1400 years ago. Before more than
120,000 companions while on Hajj, he stated:
"O man, remember the Lord indeed that
one, and that one of you gentlemen. Remember, there
is no superiority of Arabs over the ajam/foreign, and not for
the ajam over Arabs, not for white people over black
leather, and not for Blacks over whites except taqwa.
The Prophet chose Bilal became one of the
noble companions. The emergence of Bilal as a stand
out in the history of Islam is a testament to the importance of pluralism and social and racial
equality in Islam.
When Abdullah bin Ziyad recounted that
she had dreamed of being taught the methods and sentences Azan, Prophet
Muhammad Bilal's liked it and pointed as the first
person to say the adhaan in Madinah with readings. When Umar ra hear azan,
he hastened to approach the Islamic prophet Muhammad and
told him that he also dreamed of the same readings with
the call to prayer. Thus the call to prayer was sung first by Bilal. The
Prophet appointed her as the muezzin's Apostles.
Since Bilal is the first Africans embraced
Islam, the Muslims of Africa still feel proud of the honour given
to the African people.
Another great honor for Bilal is
after Fatah Mecca on 8 Hijri. When the city of Meccasurrendered and
all the good people of Muslims and non-Muslims gathered in a courtyard, the
prophet asked Bilal to climb the roof of the Kaba and echoed
the call to prayer from the top of it. This is the
first call to prayer echoed in Mecca's al-Mukarromah.
So Bilal devotion in Islam and spiritual attainment that he got.
One time the Prophet Muhammad said:
"O Bilal, the Act specifically what
you have done so I hear the sound of sending them running ahead
of me in paradise." Bilal replied, "each
time I was somewhere, I ampraying two rak'ahs as Tahiyyatul wudoo
Bilal is a Ashabssuffah. The term Ashabussuffah is the friend who
lived in the home, in addition to the mosque of the Prophet in
Madinah after the hijrah, and studied religious studies there.
Since Bilal gets the honor of being one
of the Suffa, he collected many traditions Prophet. About
20 scholars are part of Ashabussuffa, of whom Osama
bin Zaid, Bara Bin Azib and Abdullah bin Umar.
When King Najasyi from Habsyah send three spear as
gifts to the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet gave it to Umar,
Ali and Bilal, who uses a spear to justify the
direction of prayer.
Bilal in Syria
After the death of the
Islamic prophet Muhammad, Bilal found it hard to spend timein
Medina without the beloved Prophet (PBUH). He asked
the Caliph Abu Bakr to let it go to Syria for Jihad. And there he spent
the rest of his life-time. He echoed the call to prayer only
twice after that. The first is when Caliph Umar Ibn
Al-Khattab came to Syria and the second time when he
visited the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad in Medina. After
hearing the sound of azannya the people crying, because given
thetimes of Prophet Muhammad's life.
Bilal left Medina to
go to Syria (Sham) and stay there. When Caliph
Umar visited Qutaibah (Jerusalem), he asked for the call
to prayer echoed Bilal. And when he echoed the call
to prayer, the friends cry covenanting that thereafter recalled
the past. It is reported that the Caliph Umar cry which he
has never cried like that before.
When Bilal was in Syria,
he saw in a dream the Prophet Muhammad said to him, "oBilal,
why are you not mengunjungiku". He then immediately rushed to
Medina and convey blessings and greetings at the grave of the
Prophet while crying and paste her face into the tomb
of the apostle.
When he saw Hassan and Husayn,
the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, he immediately embraces them. At
their request, Bilal echoed with the sound of azan shaking
and berlinangan tears. Hear Azannya Bilal, people flock
to the Prophet's mosque. This is the final call to prayer in
the story of Bilal Ibn Ribah
The Tomb Of Bilal Ibn Ribah
Bilal spent his
last days in Syria. He died in Hijri at age 18 64 years and
was buried inBab-al-Sagheer near Jama Umavi in Damascus. She
served the Prophet for 25 years.
Islam has raised a degree at
a level such that Umar called him as Prophet (our
In a fold of her
last moments, his wife Hind cried, ' wa hazana '
(a great sadness) andBilal replied, Wa Tarabaa '
(a great joy); "Tomorrow I will meet with the person
Ilove-Muhammad and his companions."